
Table of Contents

                          Cell Cycle & Cell Division

01.In which of stage in meiosis, the homologous chromosomes separate while sister chromatids remain associated at their centromeres 

(a) Metaphase I 

(b) Metaphase II          

(c) Anaphase I      

(d) Anaphase II 

02.At metaphase, chromosomes are attached to the spindle – fibers by their 


(b)Secondary Constriction 



03.In Somatic cell cycle 

(a)In G1 phase DNA content is double the amount of DNA present in the     original cell 

(b)DNA replication takes place in S phase 

(c)A short interphase is followed by a long mitotic phase

(d)G2 – phase follows mitotic phase

04. The suitable material for the study of mitosis in Laboratory is 

(a) Anther        

(b) Root tip          

(c) Leaf tip            

(d) Ovary 

05. Microtubule is involved in the 

(a)  Muscle contraction                          

(b) Membrane designing 

(c)  Cell division                                     

(d) DNA – recognition 

06. In reductional cell division, DNA synthesis takes place 

(a) in S phase            

(b) in Leptotene    

(c) in G2 phase      

(d)G1 phase

07. Colchicine is mitotic poison, which 

(a) Stops the Centriole function                                                                      (b) act on centromeres 

(c) act on spindle apparatus assembly                                                          (d) act metaphase/Equator plate 

08. During Meiosis, the chromosomes number reduced to haploid in 


(b) Meiosis II        

(c) Leptotene        

(d) Pachytene 

09. ER, Nucleolus & Golgibody begin to disappear at 

(a)Late prophase                                                                                            (b)early metaphase                                                                                      (c)Late metaphase                                                                             

(d)early prophase

10. How many mitotic divisions are needed for a single cell to make 256 cells? 

(a) 7                        

(b) 8                     

(c) 32                    

(d) 28

11.Meiosis II performs 

(a) Separation of chromosomes                                                                    (b) Synthesis DNA & Centromere

(c) Separation of diploid chromosomes                                                   (d) Separation of chromatids 

12.The process of Terminalisation take place

(a) Prophase I           

(b) Metaphase I  

(c) Anaphase I    

(d) Telophase I

13.If the cell contain haploid content of DNA (k) then after the S – phase, DNA content

(a) 1 C                   

(b) 2 C                

(c) 4 C                 

(d) 8 C

14.Recombinase is required during 

(a) Pachytene           

(b) Diplotene      

(c) Zygotene        

(d) Leptotene 

15. Arrange the following in correct sequence 

(i) Synapis                                                                                                    (ii) Crossing over                                                                                           (iii) Terminalisation of chiasmata  

(iv) Disapparance of Nucleolus 

(a)i, ii, iii & iv        

(b)ii, iii, iv & i    

(c) iii, ii, iv & i    

(d) iv, ii, I & iii

16.Cells in Go phase 

(a) terminate the cell cycle                   

(b) Exist the cell cycle 

(c) enter the cell cycle                

(d) Suspend the cell cycle 

17.Which of following act as mitogen (mitosis stimulating factor)

(i)  cytokinin                                                                                              

(ii) Platelet derived growth factor                                                                (iii) Epidermal Growth factor 

(iv) Abscisic Acid   

(a)   i, ii & iii  

(b)  ii & iii           

(c)  iii & iv          

(d)  ii & iv 

18.Cytokinesis in plant cell 

(a) by cell plate formation                    

(b) Centripetally 

(c) Centrifugally                                   

(d) a & c 

19.Phragmoplast appears during 

(a) Telophase                                        

(b) Karyokinesis          

(c) Cytokinesis in animals                    

(d) Cytokinesis in plants

20.During the cell division mitochondria divided by 

(a)  Fission      

(b) Fragmentation         

(c) Regeneration           

(d)  Spores 

21.Plastid divided by fission 

(a)  during cytokinesis in Saccharomyces                                                

(b)  during cytokinesis in Grasshopper 

(c)  during cytokinesis in mustard plant                                                  

(d)  during cytokinesis in Trypanosoma 

22.In haplontic life cycle, meiosis & mitosis occurs in 

(a) Zygote & Somatic body                                                                              (b) Somatic body & Zygote 

(c) only in Zygote both process occurs                                                          (d) only somatic body both process occurs 

23.Which one is the actually heterotypic type of division 

(a)  Meiosis I

(b) Mitosis                    

(c)  Meiosis II               

(d)  a & c

24.In Meiosis cell division 

(a) one time karyokinesis take place                                                         

(b) one time DNA replication take place

(c) one time cytokinesis take place                                                          (d) two times chromosome Replication take place

25.Meiosis I is reductional Division. Meiosis II is equational Division due to 

(a) pairing of homologous chromosomes                                                  

(b) Crossing over 

(c) separation of chromatids                                                                     

(d) disjunction of homologous chromosomes 

26.Which one is the correct statement 

(a) After S-phase only diploid DNA double                                                     (b) After S – phase both diploid DNA & Centriole doubled

(c) after S-phase only haploid DNA double                                            (d) after S phase RNA & Histone double 

27.Mitotic Anaphase differ from Metaphase in possessing 

(a)Same number of chromosomes & some number of chromatids 

(b)Half number of chromosomes and half number of chromatids 

(c)Half number of chromosomes & same number of chromatids 

(d)Same number of chromosomes & half number of chromatids 

28.If you are provided with root tips of Onion in your class and are asked to count the chromosome which of the following stages can you most conveniently look into 

(a)  Metaphase                   

(b) Telophase      

(c) Anaphase       

(d) prophase 

29.The ‘X’ – shaped structure form during 

(a)  Mitosis – prophase                                  

(b) Meiosis II – prophase II 

(c)  Mitosis – Anaphase                                 

(d) Meiosis I  – Prophase I

30.Plant cells do not divided their cytoplasm by forming a furrow in cell membrane like animal cells rather they divide by cell plate because

a-Plant cell do not have centrioles

b-Cell wall formation beings with formation of cell plate

c-Cell plate represents middle lamella between the walls of two adjacent cells

d-Plant cells are enclosed by a relatively inextensible wall

31.Final stage of meotic prophase I

a-is marked by terminalisation of chiasmata

b-Represents chiasmata formation

c-Can last for months or years in oocytes of some vertebrates                  d-Involves the development of synaptonemal complex

32.Chromatids separation, shape of chromosome and karyotype can be observed respectively in

Anaphase I, Anaphase II and Metaphase

Anaphase, Anaphase II and Metaphase

Anaphase and Anaphase I    

Metaphase and Anaphase

33.Select the correct statement

Human cells divide once in approximately every 24 hours

Centrioles duplicates in the cytoplasm during G2 – phase

In the quiescent stage cells remain metabolically inactive

During G1 – stage cells is metabolically active but does not grow

34.Chromosomes clusters at spindle poles and their identify is lost as discrete elements during

(a) Interphase 

(b) Prophase                  

(c) Anaphase        

(d) Telophase

35.Crossing over is an enzyme dependent process and the enzyme complex involved is called as

(a)  Cyclin dependent kinase                 

(b)  Nitrogenase

(c)  Recombianse                                  

(d)  Adenylate kinase

36.If microspore of an angiospermic plant has 7 pg of DNA in its nucleus. How much DNA would be microspore mother cell of this plant have in the diakinesis stage of meiosis?

(a) 14 pg                  

(b) 28 pg              

(c) 7 pg                         

(d) 56 pg

37.Synaptonemal complex is

(a) Required for synapsis                    

(b) Formed zygotene

(c) Formed between sister chromatids   

(d) More than one option is correct

38.In which of the following stage, cells remain metabolically active but no longer proliferate unless called on to do so depending on the requirement of the organism?

(a) G1                     

(b) S                    

(c) G2                            

(d) G0

39.Double metaphasic plate in meiosis develops during

(a) Metaphase I       

(b) Metaphase II  

(c) Anaphase I     

(d) Anaphase II

40.During poleward movement of separated daughter chromosomes at anaphase

a-Their ends are towards poles and centromere toward equator

b-Their ends are toward equator and centromere toward pole

c-Interzonal fibres contract and pull chromosomes

d-Sister chromatids are pulled on same pole by kinetochore fibre

41.The stage in which cell is metabolically active but fails to divide is

(a) G1 – phase          

(b) G­0 – phase      

(c)  S – phase       

(d)  M – phase

42.How many meiotic divisions are required to produce 100 seeds in typical dicot plant?

(a) 125                    

(b) 126                           

(c) 127                 

(d) 128

43.Diplotene stage is initiated by

a-Synaptonemal complex development

b-Dissolution of synaptonemal complex

c-Disappearance of nuclear membrane and nucleolus completely

d-Starting of spindle formation

44.Cell division proper lasts for only about one hour out of the average duration of 24 hours of cycle in humans, where

a-The interphase lasts more than 95% of the duration

b-The M-phase lasts more than 95% of the duration

c-The interphase lasts less than 5% of the duration

d-The G1 phase last about 95% of the duration

45.Find odd one w.r.t. meiotic cell cycle

a-DNA replication occurs once only i.e., before Gap – 2

b-Karyokinesis occurs twice

c-Reduction of ploidy at metaphase – I

d-Crossing over in tetrad stage

46.Chromosome are arranged along the equator during

(a)  Prophase                                

(b)  Metaphase

(c)  anaphase                               

(d)  telophase

47.Which of the following character is related with telophase?

(a)  Formation of nuclear membrane    

(b)  Formation of nucleolus

(c)  Elongation of chromosome             

(d)  Formation of two daughter nuclei

48.In which stage of cell division, chromosomes are most condensed?

(a)  Prophase           

(b)  Metaphase     

(c)  Anaphase       

(d)  Telophase

49.Synapsis occurs between

(a)  a male and a female gamete            

(b)  mRNA and ribosomes

(c)  spindle fibres and centromere          

(d)  two homologous chromosomes

50.Crossing over occurs at

(a)  Single strand stage                         

(b)  two strand stage

(c)  four strand stage                             

(d)  two homologous chromosomes

51.Crossing over occurs during

(a)  Leptotene                                         

(b)  diplotene

(c)  pachytene                                       

(d)  zygotene

52.Recombination is involved in the process of

(a) Cytokinesis                                      

(b) spindle formation

(c) crossing over                                   

(d) chromosome duplication

53.Which of the following is unique to mitosis and not a part of meiosis?

a-Homologous chromosomes behave independently

b-Chromatids are separated during anaphase

c-Homologous chromosomes pair and form bivalents

d-Homologous chromosomes crossover

54.The non-sister chromatids twist around and exchange segments with each other during

(a)  diplotene                                        

(b)  diakinesis

(c)  leptotene                                         

(d)  pachytene

55.When synapsis is complete all along the chromosome, the cell is said to have entered a stage called

(a) Zygotene   

(b) pachytene       

(c) Diplotene        

d) diakinesisa-

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