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Biological Classification Important NEET Questions

In this post we will solve questions related to Class 11 NCERT Biology Chapter 2, Biological Classification, and also we will solve important NEET questions.

NEET MCQ of Living World

Which are the important biologists name in Biological Classification and also the questions related to them. You should try to solve as many questions as possible.

However, in the beginning, not many questions have been shared in this post, but in the coming time, we will share the questions asked previous year qustions (PYQ) in NEET and other competitive exams. We will try to keep them also.

Try to solve all the questions that are there at present.

Most Important NEET MCQ of Biomolecules

The Biological Classification chapters deal about Monera, protista and fungi in details.

In the new NCERT, there is no change in this chapter.

Important NEET MCQ of Human Reproduction

Based on that, we are putting questions here in the quiz.

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Important biological classification NEET questions

MCQ of Biological Classification

Important MCQ of Biological Classification of NEET, Board exams and other exams.

1 / 20

Which one is have maximum nutritional diversity?


2 / 20

In which of the following kingdom are Archaea and Cyanobacteria organisms classified?

3 / 20

Locomotary structures absent in

4 / 20

Carolus Linnaeus evolved a system of nomenclature of organisms, commonly known as

5 / 20

Which one is not the basis of classification in the five-kingdom system?

6 / 20

Mycology and Phycology is the study of

7 / 20

Which satatement is incorrect about Dinoflagellates?

8 / 20

Which statement is incorrect about the Blue-green algae?

9 / 20

Which of the following disease is caused by abnormally folded infectious proteins

10 / 20

Well defined nucleus is absent in?

11 / 20

Which of the following statements is incorect about the fungi?

12 / 20

Which one of the following combinations are correctly related to fungi

13 / 20

Genome of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) is

14 / 20

Mycelium is a network of

15 / 20

Two Kingdom System Classification was given by

16 / 20

The correct characteristic of Slime moulds is

17 / 20

Which of the following organisms can be found in extreme saline conditions?

18 / 20

In the year ............ T.O. Diener discovered............

19 / 20

Which of the following statement regarding protists, is wrong?

20 / 20

Which of the following does not contain chlorophyll?



Which of the following does not contain chlorophyll?

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