
NCERT Notes of Chemiosmotic Hypothesis

Chemiosmosis Hypothesis of ATP Synthesis   Before starting the article related to this topic, let’s see some questions such as how the chemiosmotic hypothesis explains ATP formation in mitochondria and chloroplast. Practice Important MCQ  Is there any difference between chloroplast and mitochondrial chemiosmotic mechanisms? What is a proton gradient? who discovers this hypothesis? Video of …

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NCERT Notes of Pathway of Calvin Cycle:Biosynthetic Phase in C3 Plants

What is Calvin-Benson Cycle? Let’s begin the post with some basic questions related to the C3 cycle. What is Calvin-Benson Cycle? Why Most of the Plants are C3 Plants? What are the examples of C3 plants? Why C3 cycle is so-called? How many steps are involved in C3 cycle? Also read the post about C4 …

NCERT Notes of Pathway of Calvin Cycle:Biosynthetic Phase in C3 Plants Read More »

what is photorespiration?

What Is Photorespiration and How Does It Affect Plant Growth?”

What is Photorespiration? Photorespiration is also called photorespiration or C2 cycle or photosynthetic carbon oxidative cycle. Photorespiration or C2 cycle was discovered in 1959 by two Biologist namely Dicker and Tio. The whole process of photorespiration is completed in three cell organelles of the cell. Their names are as follows. Chloroplast, mitochondria and peroxisomes The …

What Is Photorespiration and How Does It Affect Plant Growth?” Read More »

Pteridophytes class 11 ncert notes: Pteridophytes Characteristics & Life Cycle

Pteridophyta-Reptiles of Plant Kingdom   Pteridophytes plants are the first vascular & terrestrial plants to have fully terrestrial adaptations on Earth. They are considered to be the first members of the Tracheophyta group. Pteridophytes are also known by Reptiles of Plant Kingdom. read Pteridophytes in hindi While after these there is talk of gymnosperm and …

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Active & Passive immunity NCERT Biology Notes

Active and Passive Immunity   Definition of Immunity Definition of Immunity- Immunity is that immuno-physiological process of our body. In which the body’s immune system destroys external bacteria, viruses or other harmful chemicals (antigens) that cause disease. In simple words, immunity is the process of protecting the body from external germs. Similarly, disease resistance is …

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Salient Features of Genetic Code Biology Notes:Types of genetic code

Genetic Code   We all know that in every living organism of the world, if they have cellular organization, then DNA acts as genetic material in them. DNA transfers genetic characters from one generation to the next. Genetic code in hindi But in what form are the genetic messages present in DNA or what is …

Salient Features of Genetic Code Biology Notes:Types of genetic code Read More »